Picture of single use plastic spoons mixed with used tea bags

OWL lead with motion to eliminate single use plastics from WLBC

Our West Lancashire recently proposed a motion that WLBC move to eliminate Single Use Plastics (SUPs) from its supply chain, and encourage local businesses to do the same.

Following debate and minor amendments to our motion in the council chamber, the final version, shown below, was unanimously passed by every councillor serving on West Lancashire’s council.

Reducing Single Use Plastic (SUP) Use in the Borough of West Lancashire

Wasteful and polluting SUPs at a recent event.

Whilst this Council accepts that the use of single use plastics is a major global issue, it also recognises that this is simply one environmental issue out of an abundance which we all have a responsibility to address.

This was reflected in the actions of July 2019 when, following the IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Report which declared a Climate Emergency, Cllr Dereli submitted a Climate Change Emergency motion, which saw this council sign a joint pledge (with other councils).

Following this, the Council has started to develop a Carbon Neutrality Plan with the aim to reduce and off-set the carbon footprint of West Lancashire Borough Council in its day to day activities, carrying on the work already started through the Solar PV installations on residential and commercial premises, the removal of single use plastic cups, and the installation of electric vehicle charging points at council car parks.

That this Council notes the development of the Carbon Neutrality Plan and recommends that the following actions in relation to the elimination of Single Use Plastics, be considered as part of that plan, with input from members when the report is presented in Spring 2020:

  • The development of a robust strategy to make West Lancashire Borough Council a ‘single-use plastic free’ authority by the end of 2020 including an end to the purchase and procurement of SUPs through the Council’s supply chain and the transition to the use of compostable bags for litter collection by the Council’s Clean and Green teams;
  • End the provision of SUP products such as cups and cutlery in council buildings and at council run events;
  • Work with tenants and operators in commercial properties owned by West Lancashire Borough Council to encourage the phasing out of SUP cups, bottles, cutlery and straws;
  • Encourage the Borough’s businesses, organisations and residents to go ‘single- use plastic free’ working with best practice partners to provide business support, practical guidelines and advice to help local businesses transition from SUPs to sustainable alternatives.