N.B. These are the policies for 2023/24. These policies are being refreshed and the refreshed policies for 2024/25 will be published here on 6th April 2024.
We are a group of Independents launched in 2015. We have grown steadily since then. We have a string of achievements to our name and we are the Council group setting the ideas agenda in West Lancashire. We are determined to put residents before the party whip. We’ve attracted people new to politics and from all the main political parties. We agree a core of policies below. Beyond that, our councillors and candidates are free and Independent to pursue the ideas and strategies that best represent their area.
Housing, Development & Climate Change
- Champion a new improved local plan that recognises West Lancashire’s predominantly rural nature, builds homes only to meet local need, protects the best most-versatile agricultural land, green belt and addresses climate change.
- As evidence shows there is more than sufficient, through the new Local Plan, stop ALL further conversion of family homes to student accommodation and no more building of off-campus purpose-built student accommodation. Further details here (pdf).
- Change the rules to allow new housebuilding levies to be used to address flooding problems as other councils already do.
- Following the successful Firbeck and Beechtrees revivals in Skelmersdale, launch a new revival scheme in Digmoor to replace the worst of the new town housing with modern energy-efficient 21st century houses with private driveways and garden space.
- £7.5 million for additional energy efficiency measures on the Borough’s council houses reducing fuel use and carbon emissions, combating fuel poverty and leaving more money in the pockets of council house tenants.
- Wind up the Borough’s Council -funded Housing Company protecting the public purse and instead build much-needed new council housing through competitive tender.
Litter, Flytipping and the Environment
Maintain efforts to improve our local environment by ensuring that the recently-agreed budget measures are implemented and effective, i.e., –
- 50 new litter bin locations are identified and bins installed;;
- The additional full-time enforcement and education officer targets increased enforcement action and take the anti-litter and recycling message to all local primary schools (where the visit is accepted) and to fast food outlets;
Additional Mobile CCTV systems are purchased and deployed at fly tip hotspots across the Borough after early results from the trial showed fly tip incidents down by 43%;
- Our entrance and feature roundabouts are returned to their former glory with the funds provided.
Leisure and Wellbeing
- New Swimming Pools for Ormskirk and Skelmersdale by 2025 – Our West Lancashire halted Labour’s plans to close Park Pool in Ormskirk. Now we would set aside £9 million to ensure the developing business plans for 21st century swim facilities in both towns come to fruition
- A £2 million redevelopment of Burscough Sports Centre
- Purchase the empty Glenburn site in Skelmersdale from the County Council and, in consultation with the local community, bring forward a mixed development on the site to include a new Community Sports Village.
A Plan for Ormskirk Town Centre
- A 12-month pilot project with FREE parking from 1pm on Mondays and Tuesdays in Ormskirk town centre and monitor the change in footfall and all-day FREE parking at Derby Street car park on Saturdays.
- £50,000 available when matched by shop owners to fund shop front improvements
- £107.000 to fund paving and lighting improvements to Ormskirk town centre alleyways including features to highlight Ormskirk’s heritage.
- Relaunching the Ormskirk Town Centre business group ensuring good representation of the different business types in the town, including independent retailers.
Attracting new traders to the market
- Provide gazebos on loan to new traders so they can try the market before buying expensive equipment
- A rebate of the first 6 weeks’ rent for new traders at Ormskirk market when they commit to take a permanent market stall
Your council serving you better
Opening the doors of power
- Introduce a public question time at Full Council meetings and hold two council meetings a year in venues in other communities in West Lancashire.
- OWL will hold no secret caucus meetings before planning committees in the way that Labour and Conservative hold.
- Publish the Council’s Street sweeping schedules so that residents can know when their streets and pavements will be swept.