Community Christmas Tree to return to Ormskirk Parish Church
The much loved Christmas Tree and Crib outside Ormskirk’s Parish Church is set to return again this year after its successful reinstatement last Christmas. Residents can donate at Scott’s Butchers on Church Street or online at the Our West Lancashire website.
Last year, Our West Lancashire, Ormskirk Parish Church, Ormskirk Church of England Primary School along with Scott’s Butchers and other Church Street retailers joined forces to bring this Christmas feature back. The Borough council provided technical support and the electrical supply for the lights.

Our West Lancashire’s Jane Thompson said, “Thanks to the incredible generosity of Ormskirk townsfolk and retailers, we have a healthy surplus towards this year’s tree and so we will not be approaching hard-pressed retailers this year. However, there is still a financial shortfall to cover. Also we want to raise money for new tree lights to give a little extra magic this year.”
“Once again, Halsall-based Massam Supplies Ltd are working at cost price and they will supply a lovely 26 foot Norwegian Spruce. Skelmersdale’s P&R Electrical will carry out the lighting of the tree and the Parish Church have made insurance arrangements. The Borough Council have stored the crib once again and they have agreed to fund the electricity costs for the lighting and allow use of their electrical supply.”

Ms Thompson, who lives close to the town centre herself, concluded “The setting of this tree and the crib against the backdrop of the Parish Church brings back memories for many in the town of their own childhood and we want to create those memories for the children of the town today. Last year, Lois Smith a year 3 pupil at a local school switched on the lights. So please, if you can, make a donation.”
Donations can be made into the collection tin at Scott’s Butchers in Church Street; by cheques made payable to Our West Lancashire and marked Christmas Tree appeal on the rear of the cheque; or online in the right hand column of this page.