obstructive parking brook lane

Long term solutions needed, not quick fixes at top-level meeting on parking in Ormskirk

A meeting of the councils, Edge Hill University and police on parking problems in Ormskirk must consider long-term solutions not simply quick fixes say Council Independents, Our West Lancashire.

Extensive grass verge parking by Edge Hill Campus

The meeting this week (Thursday 30th January) is being held after Our West Lancashire tabled a successful motion at a council meeting before Christmas.  Now the councillor who identified a possible location for a Park and Ride is urging that this initial meeting is the start of a positive dialogue that leads to lasting improvements.

Cllr Ian Davis, whose ward covers the University said, “The problems caused by inconsiderate and sometimes illegal on-street parking at certain times in the University calendar are well-known.  Yet there has been little meaningful discussion between the councils and University over the problem.  Instead, year by year the situation has been getting worse.  That’s why Our West Lancashire tabled our motion.

He continued, “This initial meeting needs to be the start of a sustained dialogue that identifies a range of measures.  It’s not acceptable for driveways to be obstructed or road safety jeopardised by cars parked at road junctions.  I’ve identified a possible park and ride site as one possible measure.  Whatever measures this meeting discusses, they need to get to the root of the problem.  It’s not a solution to just expect the police to issue more and more parking tickets.  Equally, the University cite the ‘student experience’ as a key factor in attracting people to study in Ormskirk – the current traffic congestion and parking problems are certainly not a positive experience for students either.”